Abstract Submission

  1. The manuscript for the abstract should be uploaded on this site in a PDF file.
    The deadline for "Abstract Submission" is October 22th, 2021. If the manuscript is not received by the deadline, the presentation would be cancelled. For your convenience, we strongly recommend you to use a MS-Word template that you can download below.

Submission webpage will be open at the end of September.

*When submitting your manuscript, please name the file (PDF format) with your abstract number, which you will receive at the end of September. (e.g. If your abstract number is 1A01, then name the file as1A01.pdf)

  1. The authors' names should be written according to the following example.
    Ex) A. Denchi, B. Gijutsu*, C.Touron** (AAA Univ.,*BBB Univ.,**CCC Univ.)
  2. We are planning to confer the Battery Technology Committee Award to the outstanding presenters. The nominee must be younger than 40 years old at January 1st, 2022 and the individual member of the battery technology committee (or the individual of the corporate member). The graduate students (excluding those who are employed in some corporations) and post doctorial researchers can also be the nominee. The name of the nominee must be written in italics.
  3. The manuscript should be composed of the following subsections.
    1. Introduction, 2, Experimental, 3. Results and Discussion, References
  4. Upload the pdf of the manuscript from the submission site.
  5. The accepted abstracts will be published on November 29th, 2021.